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St Andrew's College Dublin St Andrew's College Dublin


Welcome to the St Andrew's College PTA

On behalf of the St Andrew's College Parent Teacher Association (PTA) I would like to extend a warm welcome to all families in both schools of the College who will be with us for this academic year.

The SAC PTA is a vibrant committee comprising parents, guardians and teachers,  dedicated to helping our wonderful community thrive and flourish. We do this through hosting and supporting a multitude of events, which benefit both the students and the staff, as well as the wider parent community.

We meet formally once a month and are happy to take agenda items from parents within the school community to discuss at these meetings. (Please contact us here if there is any matter which you would like to have added to our agenda.)

We are always looking for new ideas and support and would welcome any input from our parents/guardians.  Our year runs from May to May, so if you have an interest in joining us be sure to attend our AGM. Alternatively you may wish to help us on an ad hoc basis, in which case you can email me directly as we would be delighted to hear from you.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful year at St Andrew's College - please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Caroline Meenan

PTA Chairperson 2024/2025