The School Day
The school day begins with registration from 8.45am - 8.55am in the students' form room. On one day a week the year group has an Assembly taken by the Year Head or the Deputy Principal responsible for that year group.
Classes begin at 8.55am. There are four periods in the morning until break which is from 11.35am until 11.55am.
Students then have two classes and break for lunch at 1.15pm. On Wednesdays students are free to go home or go to sports training/matches at this time.
Afternoon school commences at 1.55pm and the academic day ends at 3.55pm.
From 3.55pm onwards sports training / extra-curricular activities take place in prearranged locations.
Assembly Days
Monday - Sixth Year Assembly.
Tuesday - Second Year Assembly.
Wednesday - Third Year Assembly.
Thursday - First Year Assembly.
Friday - Fifth Year Assembly. Transition Year Assembly is held during their weekly Lectures.