Sailing success at the ISA Youth National Championships
Our sailing students were very busy over the Easter break, competing in the ISA Youth National Championships which took place in Ballyholme Yacht Club. Across three different sailing classes (Optimist, Laser 4.7 and Laser Radial) we had five top 10 positions and two podium places. Congratulations in such challenging conditions to the following St Andrew's College sailors who did both themselves and our school proud: Caoilinn Geraghty-McDonnell, Kate Flood, Emma Hanna, Seth Walker, Fiachra Geraghty-McDonnell, Oisin Hughes, Sam Ledoux and Alexander Gallagher. Some amazing action shots below.
This weekend we have the Inter-Schools Team Racing Championship, (30th April/1st May) @ RSGYC. We wish both of St Andrew's College Teams the very best of luck. Sail fast and have fun!